Asking for guidance

Asking for guidance, read by Jared stack.


lead me by your truth and teach me.

For you are the God who saves me.

All day long.

I put my hope in.


Psalms 25 5.

Protestant pastor.


Tiara Neue, Conroy.

I said that each Sunday, she felt
as though there was something

wrong with the way that she and
her congregation were worshiping.

She earnestly prayed to God for
guidance saying that she was ready

to Abaye him wherever he led.

She was impressed to call

adventist pastor jewels, Teo.

To present a two week evangelistic series.

At her church in Papakura
French Polynesia.

This series ran from
December 12 to 24, 20 22.

After the conclusion of the
campaign, pastor Conroy had a meeting

with her church deacons and they
voted to worship on the seventh

day Sabbath instead of Sunday.

On the last night of the campaign.



Invited literature, evangelists.

Pastor Michael and Fannie Brotherson
to display their books at the church.

The church members ended up purchasing
160 copies of great controversy.

Pastor Michael and Fanny.

We're also invited to run a cooking
class and health program at the church.

We praise God for the way he leads us.

When we ask him for guidance.

Jarrod Stackelroth: This year.

Literature ministry celebrates 175 years.

This month's devotional readings
come from the stories of faith.

Edited by a fire near.


And produced by the literature.

ministries department of the
seventh day Adventist church

in the south Pacific division.

To find out more about this month's
heritage celebrations, visit

heritage dot Adventist church.

Dot com.

Asking for guidance
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