A seed was planted
A seed was planted.
Read by Jared stacker.
It's not important.
Who does the planting or
who does the watering?
What's important is that
God makes the seed grow.
Proverbs 16 verse nine.
One morning.
I was knocking on a door,
said Caleb Hodgkinson, and a
friendly old fella came out.
He was just so excited to talk to me that
he didn't give me the chance to respond.
Years and years ago, I used to
work for this guy who said that no
one would be able to go to church.
And one day you're not going
to be able to buy and sell.
It's all heading in that direction.
The man said to Caleb, It turned out
that the man's colleague had tried
to give him a copy of an old book.
The great something or
other, he told Caleb.
But he had rejected his colleagues
offer at the time he had
thought the book was rubbish.
Since then the man had started going
to op shops, buying book after book
in his journey to discover the truth.
Now Kayla had turned up at his
door with the book that the man
had rejected many years before.
The great controversy.
He was just so excited, said, Caleb,
he was ready for this book now.
We always pray for God to work upon the
hearts of the people that we will meet.
He noted.
We trust him to do so.
But it is so exciting when we
experience it for ourselves.
We can see that his spirit.
Is it work?
Jarrod Stackelroth: This year.
Literature ministry celebrates 175 years.
This month's devotional readings
come from the stories of faith.
Edited by a fire near.
And produced by the literature.
ministries department of the
seventh day Adventist church
in the south Pacific division.
To find out more about this month's
heritage celebrations, visit
heritage dot Adventist church.
Dot com.